Kusawake (草分け - Pioneer)

Jan 25, 2018 16:17
A person who did something for the first time is called 創始者 (soushisha).

創 (sou) means "creation," 始 (shi) means "first," and 者 (sha) means "person," so I don't think that it's necessary to explain the etymology of this term.

On the other hand, there is another term, 草分け (kusawake), which has the similar meaning of "soushisya."

草 (kusa) means "grass" and 分け (wake) means "to mow," so the literal meaning of 草分け (kusawake) is "to mow grass."

nOriginally, this term meant to develop a foundation of a village or town by opening a grassy land.

Deriving from it, this term has come to mean development of a new field, or a pioneer.


「創」は "creation," 「始」は "first," 「者」は "person" を意味するので、この言葉の成り立ちについては説明するまでもありません。


「草」は "grass," 「分け」は "to mow" を意味するので、「草分け」の文字どおりの意味は "to mow grass" となります。


No. 1 chrisjruddy's correction
  • A person who did something for the first time is called 創始者 (soushisha).
  • A person who doesid something for the first time is called a 創始者 (soushisha).
  • 創 (sou) means "creation," 始 (shi) means "first," and 者 (sha) means "person," so I don't think that it's necessary to explain the etymology of this term.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • On the other hand, there is another term, 草分け (kusawake), which has the similar meaning of "soushisya."
  • On the other hand, there is another term, 草分け (kusawake), which has thea similar meaning tof "soushisya."
  • 草 (kusa) means "grass" and 分け (wake) means "to mow," so the literal meaning of 草分け (kusawake) is "to mow grass."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • nOriginally, this term meant to develop a foundation of a village or town by opening a grassy land.
  • nOriginally, this term meant to develop thea foundation of a village or town by opening up a grassy lareand.
  • Deriving from it, this term has come to mean development of a new field, or a pioneer.
  • Deriving from ithat, this term has come to mean the development of a new field, or a pioneer.
Interesting! 草分けは聞いたことないです!
Thank you so much for correcting my post! (^^)
Of course!